Thursday, April 2, 2020

After the rain

 We've had a couple of days of freezing weather and continuous rain, so today i'll be busy washing towels and the pile up of clothes, but i definitely want to pop out to the park cherry blossoms with the dogs today. Sherlock hates the rain, hates getting his feet wet, hardly wants to go out to pee, so he has to be coaxed with treats and lavished with praise. He prefers to wait it out, only of course that's impossible when it rains all day, funny wee guy. At any rate neither pup wants to go walkies, you can tell the mood from the morning, it's like, what? walkies are off, of course, don't make me, mum. I'm fast asleep, look at me resigned to sleeping on the sofa all day...
Sherlock's wearing my new mosaic scarf designed by Arella Seaton, an Estonian knitwear designer now in the UK. It's a testknit, so the pattern should be coming soon. It's called Loojangulinnud, and there are lovely birds in the pattern. The gorgeous colors are courtesy of Chappy Yarn : she's a wonderful Japanese indie dyer living in Hongkong, and these are her new 2020 semisolid colorways. Huntsman, Kawasemi, Meteor Shower, Ink blue, among others...
Now to fry up some cabbage and chicken for a doggie breakfast, they need something gentle on the stomach with all this damp cold weather. Be aware that some rescued setters have delicate stomachs and intestines...with two dogs that means wake you four times in the night as each in turn feels the need to pee...and again...and you get ready for breakfast by washing out the vomit on the blanket in one of the cages and wiping down the surfaces, before you can change the water, and make up a breakfast dish...and then pop into the garden to scoop up goopie poop in the wet grass...part and parcel, as it were, not that in any way this diminishes the love, and the joy of having the furbabies in your life. Setters rule supreme in my book.