Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Power Spot Nasu

On this trip to Nasu, we went to pray and thank for finding Chiaro di Luna when she was lost in the summer.

We parked first at the Kashiwa Shrine,  and after praying there, walked on up the road to the crossroads, where Sofie was indicating the left turn with an out of season dandelion, and on to some Batto Kannon stones to pray again there. 

You have to have a bit of second sight to actually really see this place, it looks like a bit of a mundane, rusty, dilapidated and vaguely polluted mess to the naked eye, but it is very very powerful there, the sacred presence is strong and true.
And after all the wild strength of the mountain and the spirits, a delectable piece of fig cheesecake and hot latte with milk fresh from the cows at Maniwa Farm is highly recommended.
Photos by Lelantos

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