Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hungry Hordes

 The hardest part of cooking is waiting for the food to cool down. After a visit to Costco today's kelp broth has pumpkin, white radish, cabbage leaves, okara, and lovely chunks of lamb shoulder at 121yen per 100grammes, with some rice thrown in Italian style to cook in the broth.
 Claire keeping an eye on things to make quite sure she's not missing out, and then everyone reminding me it's past suppertime, and I'm frantically stirring the food to cool it faster, checking the temperature with my finger...
 ...which creates opportunities for licking before the actual event...Luna moves too fast for the camera shutter speed in this light, all the pictures are blurred, even single lens reflex...we'll have to wait for the evenings to grow longer and then maybe we can capture her joyful excitement...meanwhile, a lick is all I have to share...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Knitting for Luna

 A wee scarf just for her. I tried out a pattern from 2012 Keitodama No.155, a mix of crochet and afghan for the scarf ends, and then did double moss stitch for the main body of the scarf. Pretty pleased with how it looks on her :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Training in the Sun

 After Claire's run through her paces, we girls sit and wait as Dodo-sensei works with Nobu...Luna is focusing on a crow instead of watching Nobu's training...which is picture perfect for a while, until he does his usual roll in the mud!
 Luna looking right as rain and totally focused on the crow who came by to ask for tidbits...thank God she's all right now. Did nicely in her training session, only not so good at wait when I walk round behind her back or go too far, then she's up and trying to follow. All things in good time.

Ladies snoozing

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Luna was watching telly with me cuddling in my lap when she jumped down of the sofa, walked a couple of steps and suddenly reeled like a drunk as her back legs gave out under her and then she was down, all four legs rigidly extended, splayed out and the eyes popping out of her head drooling with surprise...she peed on the carpet, and as I rubbed and soothed her for a couple of minutes she passed stool...after what must have been a a good five minutes, I picked up her legs to a sideways position and called the vet  and he told me to put her on her side, the head and chest too, not just the legs. He asked me if she was responding to her name, and if when I rubbed her paws she was moving, but she wasn't, just all limp and disoriented and confused. He said not to move her, and watch over her, and I thanked him and said I'd bring her in tomorrow. After I gently cleaned up the poop I lay down, spooning with her, and we waited for a while together. Then I gently began moving her front limbs to check for movement, and then the back legs, taking the limb weight in my hands and gently moving like a baby, feeling, yes, this moves ok this way, this moves ok that way, like my Feldenkrais therapist used to do, to give her confidence in the limbs and make sure nothing was snapped or broken or paralysed. After about thirty or forty minutes warming and rubbing her, my son came home, and she was able to bark feebly and wag her tail. It was time to make supper, so we wrapped her in a blanket at my feet and I got into making the lamb stew with pumpkin and potatoes and greens...now she's pottering around the kitchen so she seems to be okay, definitely low key but okay...angels are guarding her, little Chiaro di Luna.