Thursday, November 12, 2015

Rest Assured

 Rest assured you will not be forgotten, little Luna. The day begins with a thwack at the little cymbal, a stick of incense and a wee candle-lit prayer as the chimes reverberate round the room. The beautiful pictures of Luna are courtesy of Pension Olive in Nasu, taken when she was having the time of her life, running free in the giant dogrun and enjoying tidbits from their delicious food, passed out surreptitiously under the table. Rest assured, little sweetie, that the mundane bliss of regular meals, varied walkies around the neighborhood, snuggle time and play time, will go on, just as though you were here, and who is to say you are not?
The autumn air is balmy and the trees are beginning to share their splendor. Nobu and Claire enjoy the freedom of a slightly longer leash now I'm not busy with three setters. Claire particularly seems to enjoy the space, she took care of Luna, making sure she didn't bump into things, reminding her to slow down and stay in the group. Walking in the park the leaves rustled along behind me today, in spite of there being no wind to stir them, as though Luna was speeding to catch up, and walk with us again.


  1. レナータさん、お久しぶりです。11月のブログを夫と2人で心配しながらみていました。2013.11.11の写真から、鈴木家の皆さんのファンになり、3匹が可愛がられている様子をみるのが私の楽しみでした。ルナちゃんは皆さんに愛され、いつくしまれ、魔法の2年間を満喫し、去っていったように思います。今はまだまだ悲しみの真っ最中と思います。いつかまたお会いできることを願っています。 ごまママより

    1. Gomaまま、ありがとう!今でもルナちゃんを思うと、うるうる。。。悲しい、満足だけれども、悲しい。。。可愛い過ぎるルナちゃん。。。来年春にまた会いましょうね、二ワンズだと思うが。。。HUGS!
