Thursday, November 7, 2013

And then there were three...

 You can see Luna is meant to be a big dog! So this is what stunted growth looks like...her jaw has masses of extra skinfolds because she hasn't been given the chance to chew and develop the lower jaw, and she needs to stretch in all directions, just like Nobu when he first came, all cramped up and trying to be one third of her true size. She's had her vaccination, the rabies shot will be in two weeks or so and at that time I can talk to the vet about her health, needs to be spayed, and possible signs of breast cancer, so at the same time may lose her mammary glands, to be determined. I'll see how that subsides with the loving and good food, with the stress letting up, maybe it'll disappear, breathing angel healing light into her every time I stroke her...let the healing begin!

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