Saturday, November 9, 2013

Luna lets down her guard

 Luna is beginning to enjoy the walks and the fresh air, a real snuggle bug when she gets the chance, and finally stretching out the full length of her spine. When she walks, it's like a puppy, all fresh and bursting to go, wobbling here and there and straining on the leash like there's a carrot in front just out of reach...I decided the feeding twice a day wasn't going anywhere, her stomach is too small to eat more than a tiny portion, so I've been feeding her morning, lunch, afternoon and night, four times, to try and get the calories into her. For the first time this evening she had the appetite for some dry kibble, so I'm satisfied, I don't want to keep up the pampering for too long, work and other commitments mean she's got to sort of sink or swim at some point, fit in and blend in. She was so happy to go out for another walk, she peed in the hall today...fortunately easy to wipe the floorboards...This is one hell of a friendly dog, loves people and other dogs, loves cuddling, and just oozes snuggly mushy kiss me aura...

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