Thursday, August 3, 2017

English Setter Threesomes

Just recently a great blog with helpful ideas on training dogs with analytical insights, Eileen and Dogs, celebrated five years of blogging. Congratulations! The site was particularly helpful to me last year while I was trying to find ways to help Sherlock calm down and learn the ropes. I realized that I've been blogging six consecutive years now myself! 
Six years with rescued English setters here in the metropolis in Japan: Happy birthday, Lady Claire! As Japan gears up for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing memorials, I remember the Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami which devastated the north of Japan, and the ensuing man-made nuclear disaster which continues to pollute our soil and oceans. 
Adopting Claire is our response to the horror, trying to contribute in some small way to healing. I guess it's insignificant on some level, but for Claire and us, it has been a joyous and fulfilling journey. Much gratitude also to Gundog Rescue CACI, the English setter and pointer rescue who brought these beautiful English setters in to our lives, and still continue to fight for the welfare of abandoned bird dogs in Japan.

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