Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Say a little prayer

信長ちゃんの手術、簡単だから大丈夫ですよ。Nobu's operation is pretty straightforward, so everything will be ok.

そのほうが楽ですし、無事に終わることを私も祈ります。I know you're worried about the operation, but it's part and parcel of being a foster mum, plus for a dog living in the metropolis it's much easier this way. I'm praying he'll be on the road to recovery in no time.

信長君の手術が無事に終わるよう祈っています。I'm praying and sending positive thoughts for Nobu's operation to all be over safe and sound.

ママさん大丈夫 信ちゃん元気にスッキリして帰ってきます ママさんの子になった強運とお医者さんを信じて待ちましょう 信ちゃん頑張れ!Don't you worry now, Mummy. Nobu chan will be home safe and sound and chirpy in no time - as you wait, trust in the luck that brought him to you and the skill of the vet. Nobu, we're rooting for you.
信長君、大丈夫!I know how you feel, I remember when my own dogs had their operation: Even though we live in a different place, we booked an overnight stay at a hotel so that we could have it done by a vet in Osaka that we really trusted. We woke up really early the next morning and went to pick up our baby so early, we got there an hour before the place was open. It was a relief to see our sweetie's happy face. Nobunaga, you'll be right as rain!
大丈夫なんだとわかっていても、気が気じゃありませんわよね。無事終了、早期回復をお祈りいたします。Even though you know everything's probably going to go well, you just can't help having it on your mind. I am sending setter zen praying for a safe operation and speedy recovery.
手術が無事に終わり、順調に快復されますように!In my mind's eye I can just see his joyful face when you go to pick him up. Praying for everything to be all right and fingers and toes crossed for a good recovery.
手術となると心配になりますよね。我が家の場合は手術後、電話を頂けたので、大丈夫なのが早くわかって安心しました。信長君、大丈夫です☆大好きなママの元へ元気に帰ってきます☆お祈りいたします☆ It's natural to worry when there's an operation. I remember getting the phone call to say everything went well afterwards, and feeling relieved to know he was fine so soon. Nobunaga wil be okay-he's coming straight home safe and sound to be with his beloved family- sending setter zen.
心配なお気持ちよくわかります。。。。。。手術の無事をわが家の~とともにお祈りしています!!!がんばれ信長くん!&ままさん♪I know how you must be family and our dog will be praying for you. Nobunaga, and Nobu's mum, keep your chin up!
ほんの数時間ですがワンコが居ない部屋が寂しかった記憶があります。ソワソワしますしね。リラックスですね^^信長くんもお迎え大喜びでしょうね^^~と応援しています!I remember the room being lonely without a dog, even just for the few hours he was away. Butterflies in your stomach, eh? Breathe deep and relax- Nobu's going to be so happy when you go and pick him up. Setter zen from me and my dog.
レナータさん、去勢手術はきっと大丈夫。  レナータさんが リラックスしてね。ノブちゃんが 安心します。

ちなみに 我が家の~は、てい毛のかみそりまけがひどくて、10日もエリカラつけてました。  なめてしまうと治りにくいものですから。その後、食欲魔犬となり  盗み喰いまで するようになりました。 とほほ やらなかったのですがね~

かわるのですね、マーキングが無くなりました。術後、一週間の辛抱です。  あっという間です。Renata, the operation is going to be okay. You keep focused and relaxed, and that way Nobu can feel safe and tranquil. In our family, there was a skin irritation from the shaving and our sweetie had to wear the Elizabethan collar for a whole ten days to stop him licking , or else it wouldn't heal...After it was all over he got so greedy, he's even started pinching food here and there (like he didn't do it before?) You know, the only thing that changes is you'll have less bother with Nobu marking his territory. It'll all be over in one week or so- time flies!
応援しています!!Sending setter zen!!
As I wait for the phone call that everything went okay, I'm praying with all my friends and the CACI family network. Thank you for all these helpful and loving messages and your prayers. We are blessed to have this warm support. Nobunaga, everything's going to be fine....
And here is my phone call, at 13:08. The operation went well and the anaesthesia is beginning to wear off, Nobu's alreadly standing up on wobbly legs :) The first phase is over :)  Now he has my pajamas with him to snuggle with until I pick him up this evening. Thank you everyone again for your heartfelt prayers. Now I'd better enjoy the quality time with Claire and take her for a run in the park on the long leash...:)


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