Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Doggie Pool Woof

Here's the pool, looking much like a pool does, only it's for dogs! I played with some balls along the steps, leading Claire in deeper and deeper,
But she took one dip and made an about turn, deciding swimming was not for her. Instead, we moved back and forth along the steps, and even when I went in further, she dithered...

...stretching forward with her nose to pick up balls, and generally avoiding the deep. I was surprised how deep the pool actually was, fine for me to swim in too, but we never got that far. Bushes and thickets are my thing, not deep water, Mummy, says Claire...but ooh does it feel good with you rubbing my ears and drying me off. Just there, oooh, yes, left a bit, mmmmm, yes...

The drying facilities were again very well designed, with an overall blow-dry machine and a hand held one to finish up. I had a lot of fun rubbing her down, she seemed to enjoy it so much. Made the swimming worth it, she said. We tried to coax her to swim again the next morning before we checked out, but to no avail: the knee high pool we went to before seems to be more her thing. As predicted, she also had some loose stool from drinking the water the following evening, but nothing too bad. Nevertheless, this is not the last word on swimming in deep water...I'm taking it slowly. Maybe try the seaside next???

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